Seems the School Board in Bertie County is questioning the ability of their Superintendent to focus on student achievement. After requesting her resignation, Judge Manning, State Board of Education Chairman Howard Lee, and the Department of Public Instruction want to get involved. While the media has not picked up on the story a local blog, Bertie County Patriot, gives the details of the fiasco. The Superintendent needs to pick up a copy of Jay Greene’s book, Education Myths, and memorize chapter one – The Money Myth – “Schools perform poorly because they need more money.”
I heard there is a meeting with the local board and those mentioned above next week in Raleigh. Nothing like holding folks accountable for results, but NOT letting them have the authority or flexibility to accomplish the results. This is one of the biggest problems in the government educational system. It will be interesting to see the out come. Who will have the last word – the local board, or the folks in Raleigh?