In this week’s edition of Locke’d & Loaded, CEO Amy Cooke addresses a key question about how many Americans have actually died of Covid. Oftentimes what is listed as a “Covid death” includes not only people who died FROM Covid, but people who died of any cause, but also HAD Covid at the time of death. Even one Covid death is a tragedy for the family and friends who mourn the loss of their loved one, yet the public deserves to have the most accurate information when it comes to the seriousness of Covid deaths. 


FACT: 99.6% of people in North Carolina pose no threat of passing along COVID-19 to anyone.

FACT: 76.4% of adult North Carolinians are immune to the disease.

FACT: Only slightly more than 0.1% of people in North Carolina have died with COVID-19 (that’s including people who died from other causes but had Covid at the time of death).

Read the NC Threat-Free Index and Immunity Update at Jon Sanders’ blog here:…

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