This week we can expect to see the NC Senate release their budget.  Rumors say it will be a completely different budget from the House version.  What does that mean?  Well, it is still early in June…but we might expect a continuing resolution to avoid a state government shutdown at the end of the fiscal year (June 30th).

The budget will be released sometime mid-week and then debated in the base budget appropriations and finance committees before being sent to the floor of the Senate for debate.  The budget discussions on the floor are always lengthy, and because it is a spending measure it must be voted on two separate days.  For those of us following the state budget, we need to be prepared for a long night.  Many times lawmakers will debate and vote on 2nd reading, and then wait until after midnight to do the final 3rd reading vote on the budget.

After the Senate votes for the 3rd and final time, it will be sent to the House where they will vote to either concur or not to concur.  My bets are they won’t concur – which means the budget will be finalized in a conference committee.  Again, they have to have a finished budget before June 30th to avoid a state government shortfall.  Only time will tell if the conference committee can come to an agreement before June 30th.