Greensboro’s Bruce Raynor sums it up:
Our city fathers and mothers painting what will be under-utilized bike lanes all over town, forcing increasing oncoming traffic closer together because going ‘green’ is supposed to make us feel better.
Our city fathers and mothers spending $6 million and two years cutting down beautiful trees on Friendly Avenue to put in medians that likely will increase accidents when one additional stoplight and a full-time policeman giving tickets to speeding drivers would have made it safer.
Our city fathers and mothers likely giving RF Micro Devices another $1.2 million to create jobs when that is what we RF Micro stockholders (I am one) are paying CEO Bruggeworth more than $3 million a year to do.
Our city fathers and mothers not being able to find money to combat increasing gang activity when it is sorely needed for the benefit of the city.
It’s nice to know I’m not crazy.