I just visited Obama Headquarters. The volunteer said things had finally slowed down a bit. One could even find a parking space. The place was still rather buzzing. She directed me to the party, where I will go after this report.
I also paid a visit to Dr. Carl Mumpower’s headquarters. He’s running as an independent/maverick Republican. I can appreciate an inability to group-think. I spoke with his grandson Addison, whom I’ve respected for several years. Addison is only 10-12 years old, but he’s always been a fine young man. He spoke about calling, participating in parades, and handing out literature for his grandfather. Mumpower was for the first time I recall at a loss for words. He said his campaign had used an all-volunteer staff. He hadn’t gotten funds from lobbyists or the party. He said he’d be proud of the outcome no matter what, and he might say more if and when I return.