Carolina Journal’s Kari Travis’ report on the war between UNC President Margaret Spellings and the UNC Board of Governors was featured on Accuracy in Academia.
“The search for a new chancellor at Western Carolina University is exposing a growing and contentious divide between the University of North Carolina’s Board of Governors and UNC President Margaret Spellings,” Kari Travis reports in The Carolina Journal. “On July 12, the full board was slated to vote on a nominee for WCU’s chancellorship, an official agenda released July 11 stated. The contender, whose name wasn’t publicly disclosed, was nominated by Spellings.”
“After taking roll call, the board immediately went into closed session. Members were working remotely and met via teleconference. The meeting went on behind closed doors for more than two hours. Carolina Journal was stationed outside the boardroom in the lobby of the UNC System offices and heard raised voices coming from inside the meeting room.”
“Board members didn’t vote on Spellings’ nominee and offered no insight into their discussion after returning to open session for adjournment. Those physically present for the meeting, including Spellings, appeared agitated as they left the boardroom.”
Read Kari’s full piece from the Carolina Journal here.