Once again Durham looks like a Third World country with Third World standards. We have a police chief who kept 30 armed robberies a secret for fear of causing panic. We have a mayor who hasn’t said a damn word about it. We have a council that is too afraid of the Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People to raise hell about rampant crime of “Escape from New York” proportions. In other words, situation normal in Durham.

Well, you snoozing elected officials need to wake up. The reputation of this benighted city is spreading. Each year a couple of thousand new Duke students tell all their friends and relatives about this place. Want to know what they’re going to be telling them after the last few months? Just read this:

I’m not going to take you through my nightly routine of slowly driving through my Poplar West parking lot (site of multiple armed robberies), eyes shifting back and forth, nor my Seabiscuit-esque gallop towards my apartment when I locate my testicles and open my car door.

And I’m not going to tell all those Class of ’12 Dukies that just got accepted early that they may have just screwed themselves, ‘cuz they’ve got four years ahead of them with a local justice system they can’t trust, a local police they can’t trust and an administration they can’t trust.

I’m too disgusted even to ask where the outrage is.