Very interesting flap in Lexington, where the local paper — the Herald-Leader — is also a former Knight Ridder property. More importantly, labor is locked in a fight with management over benefit cuts:
The Lexington Newspaper Guild, CWA Local 33229, the union that represents more than 80 journalists at the Lexington Herald-Leader, is kicking off an educational media campaign on Nov. 26 to alert the public to The McClatchy Co.’s grab at employee sick leave and health benefits.
A 60-second radio advertisement has begun running on several Lexington-area radio stations. It urges listeners to visit, where the public can sign a community petition asking Herald-Leader management to withdraw its mean-spirited, ill-considered contract proposals with the Guild.
No matter how this ends, it is another sign that McClatchy is pressing hard for cost savings at all its papers. Merry Christmas.