Piggybacking on Chad?s previous piggyback, you can view a video of Todd McGee?s full comments on the local-option tax increases here. McGee?s response when reporter Debra Morgan asked him what options a county has if voters refuse to approve the tax increases:
The only other flexible option for revenue that they have is of course the property tax. So what they can do is either take the projects they were going to use this money to fund and either not do those projects or fund them in another way. And the only other way, of course, is a property tax.
Later, he said:
I think what we?re seeing tonight is, again, there is too much focus on the tax and not enough on what the counties actually intend to use the revenue for, because it?s very hard to support a tax without knowing exactly where the money is going to go. When there is so much focus on the tax itself, that kind of detracts from what you need it for.