The N&O reported this morning that Floyd McKissick Jr. is the choice of the Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People to succeed the late Jeanne Lucas in the N.C. Senate. Question is, did they know about his interview with New York Newsday before they endorsed him. Here’s McKissick in that interview commenting on the Duke lacrosse case:
“The African-American community of Durham wants fairness, and the view is that if Mr. Nifong was not fair in this case, what’s he going to be like in other cases?” said Floyd McKissick, a prominent African-American lawyer who is chairman of the Durham Democratic Party and a Duke Law School graduate.
McKissick supported the DA for re-election, but has become increasingly concerned about allegations that Nifong misused his office in the case.
The Durham Committee is notorious for keeping its collective mouth shut when it should be outraged about something, like, say, the killings in the black community in Durham, and screaming like a stuck pig when it shouldn’t, like when it rabidly went after Ann Denlinger, the only competent school superintendent Durham has had in a generation. The Committee hasn’t said a word about the Duke lacrosse injustice or Nifong’s malfeasance. Neither has the local NAACP. Has McKissick strayed from the reservation or has it suddenly dawned on Durham’s black leadership that an unethical DA is more dangerous to blacks in Durham than he is to whites.