Remember a while back when Media Matters for America, the George Soros-funded lefty site that shills for every left-wing initiative going, excoriated George Will for having the temerity to question the global warming orthodoxy? Here’s what they said at the time:

In his July 23 Washington Post column, George Will repeated National Review Online columnist Mark Steyn’s false claim that “[i]f you’re 29, there has been no global warming for your entire adult life. If you’re graduating high school, there has been no global warming since you entered first grade.” Will stated that Steyn’s observation “could explain why the [National] Mall does not reverberate with youthful clamors about carbon” after “New York Times columnist Tom Friedman called upon ‘young Americans’ to ‘get a million people on the Washington Mall calling for a price on carbon.’ ” In fact, Steyn’s claim is false: While 1998’s annual global average temperature set a record high that has not since been matched in most datasets, climate experts have identified a long-term warming trend and reject the notion that global warming has slowed or stopped. As Media Matters for America has noted, Steyn cited a discredited report by EPA research analyst Alan Carlin as purported evidence for his claim.

That sanctimonious and too-long paragraph sounds a bit different today, knowing what we know about the skullduggery among climate crazies to cook the books on temperature data. It makes the insufferable Tom Friedman’s attempts to become the green Pied Piper look sort of silly, too.