While scrolling through the Facebook recently, I came across video of David Platt, pastor of the megachurch, praying for President Trump, who paid an impromptu visit following a round of golf.
I watched with interest, and –in all honestly—anticipation— of Platt somehow elevating to Trump to God-like status. That was not the case:
Platt placed his hand on the president’s back and with their eyes closed and heads bowed, Platt addressed God: “We know we need your mercy. We need your grace. We need your help. We need your wisdom in our country. And so, we stand right now on behalf of our president and we pray for your grace, and your mercy, and your wisdom upon him.”
Turns out syndicated columnist columnist Cal Thomas took note of Platt’s prayer as well. Appearing in today’s Winston-Salem Journal, Thomas writes:
Platt was following the commands written by the Apostle Paul: “I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be offered on behalf of all men, for kings and all those in authority … this is good and pleasing in the sight of God our savior…” (1 Timothy 2:1-3).
…There is no question that faith in some quarters has become too political and government has become too secular with many politicians behaving as gods unto themselves. All the more reason to pray for leaders and for Christians to contemplate what Jesus said as he stood before Pilate: “My Kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:36)
Rev. Platt did the right thing. He should ignore the complaints and ask those who were offended what they think of the verses cited above. Maybe the grumblers should spend more time in Sunday school, learning the Scriptures in which they claim to believe with no “cherry-picking” allowed.
It should be noted that Trump did not say a word–he simply left platform following Platt’s prayer and humbly waved to the congregation. I would think that no matter how you feel about Trump ( and no matter he has behaved in the past) you would pray, send thoughts, meditate–whatever your spiritual inclination is—that he would gain the wisdom to bring us all together so that America can continue to be —as Ronald Reagan so famously put it—the “shining city on a hill.” Unfortunately there are too many people focused on vengeance toward our president. And that is a shame, no matter your religion–or lack thereof.