Jim Melvin supports Senate candidate Kay Hagan:

…Melvin, a former Greensboro mayor and president of the Joseph M. Bryan Foundation who is considered something of a kingmaker because of his political experience and ability to leverage private funding, has contributed $2,000 to Hagan’s campaign.

“She’s one of the most effective, hardworking people I’ve ever met,” he said. “What she says she will do, she’ll do. Or try to do. She can back that up with a great track record in the state Senate.”

Melvin suggested that Hagan’s approach to economic issues would not factor much in her chances at election despite the populist mood sweeping the country.

“A lot of the problems of the economy are just hype,” he said. “My personal opinion is that the economy is not in as bad a shape as some political leaders would like us to think. Everybody will see Kay for just who she is: a legitimate, hardworking person who will go up there, if elected, and do what she thinks is right. That’s what you want.”

Update Hagan issues a statement saying it’s time to end the war in Iraq:

We must responsibly end this war and reallocate our troops and resources to combat al Qaeda in Afghanistan and around the world. Not only did we take our eye off of al Qaeda when we went into Iraq, over the last five years we’ve increased our enemies and alienated our allies. The decision to invade without a plan for withdrawal, without the proper troop levels and without the proper equipment to keep our troops safe was mismanagement of the highest order. Washington is broken – we need leadership that holds this Administration accountable for President Bush’s war.