Mark Perry of the American Enterprise Institute points us to data that shows women are outpacing men when it comes to earning advanced degrees. This might surprise those who accept the common narrative that women don’t have the same opportunities as men and being held back. Perry’s take:
Here’s my prediction – the facts that: a) men are underrepresented in graduate school enrollment overall (100 men were enrolled in 2016 for every 135.3 women), b) men received fewer master’s (less than 43% of the total) and doctoral degrees (47.9% of the total) than women in 2016 and c) men were underrepresented in 7 out of 11 graduate fields of study at both the master’s and doctoral levels last year will get no attention at all from feminists, gender activists, women’s centers, the media, universities, or anybody else in the higher education industry.
Unfortunately he’s probably right. To be clear, I don’t see it as a “problem” that women are doing well. That’s a good thing. My issue is that we don’t hear or read much about this at all. It’s simply not in line with the prevailing narrative. That’s a shame. I’d like to know what’s driving the disparity: personal choices, enrollment policies?