Since this is starting to become a familiar refrain from He Who Controls the Sea, I figure we might as well have fun with it:


1. Important member of a political campaign
2. Full name
3. Disreputable occurrence
4. City
5. One-word version of number 3
6. Same name as number 2
7. Restatement of number 3
8. Politician’s red herring

Barack Obama issued a statement Wednesday responding after former 1. fundraiser 2. Tony Rezko 3. was found guilty on 16 counts in his corruption trial in 4. Chicago. …

Obama: ?I?m saddened by today?s 5. verdict. This isn?t the 6. Tony Rezko I knew, but now he has been 7. convicted by a jury on multiple charges that once again shine a spotlight on the need for 8. reform.

Frankly, I’m surprised that the Mad Lib?writer didn’t opt for “universal healthcare” for number 8; perhaps the prompt should have been “Euphemism for socialist medicine.”

I, for example, might have chosen a retro-May edition:

Barack Obama issued a statement Wednesday responding after former 1. campaign advisor and mentor 2. Rev. Jeremiah Wright 3. was shown in yet another profanity-ridden, racially hate-filled sermon in 4. Chicago. …

Obama: ?I?m saddened by today?s 5. tirade. This isn?t the 6. Rev. Jeremiah Wright I knew, but now he has been 7. shown on YouTube going racist-bonkers behind the pulpit multiple times that once again shine a spotlight on the need for 8. universal healthcare instead of dwelling in the past Sunday at Trinity Church.