A tough woman from Alaska makes Pittsburgh columnist Tony Norman relive his nightmare middle-school years:

Those of us with vivid memories of middle school have seen Gov. Sarah Palin’s type before. She was the girl who was always the first to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and the last to stop instigating fights in the cafeteria.

She was the girl who always had just enough self-awareness to know when the boys were paying more attention to her than to other girls. Her specialty was flattering the alpha boys around her. Terrified of losing her exalted place, she quickly perfected the art of saying nothing of consequence. She rambled because the boys thought it was cute. If she ever had an original thought in her head, she was discreet enough to keep it to herself. She was the conformist who fancied herself a leader.

Further down, Norman shows he’s quaffed lengthily of the Obama Kool-Aid (emphasis added):

While the financial system as they knew it was falling down around their ears, Sarah Palin insisted that a nonexistent relationship between her opponent and an aging ’60s radical was the biggest problem facing the Republic.

Journalist, read thy own rag.