Mike Adams has a hilarious Townhall column today on his school’s (UNC-Wilmington) infatuation with “diversity.”

It gets me wondering why other places where people gather don’t go berserk over groups being under- or over-represented. Suppose that, just prior to tip-off at the Final Four games this weekend, the announcer came over the PA system and said, “We’re very sorry to report that today’s audience does not contain the statistically expected percentage of Aleutian Islanders, but has an over-representation of people whose first names begin with the letter N. Furthermore, we have too many red-headed men and not enough left-handed women for our audience to be truly diverse and representative of the rainbow coalition that is America. Ushers will be coming through to evict those who were admitted in error. The game will begin as soon as we have located the right number of Aleutian Islanders and left-handed women and induced them to come and watch. And a small fee will be charged to everyone in the arena so we can offer the necessary incentives to get those people here. Please be patient while we rectify this unfortunate situation.”