Some of the most pointed critiques of the administration’s policy in
Iraq are coming from lawmakers who represent constituencies with close
ties to the military. Their criticism underscores how widespread
concerns about the war have become, even in areas where support has
been strong for President Bush or the troops.
But are these lawmakers popular at home because of their comments?
The article ends with comments from John Murtha’s constituents who
oppose his views on the war and notes that he’s been able to win by 2
to 1 margins because of “the federal largesse that he has been able to
command as a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee.” The
federal money is credited by Republicans as keeping Johnstown, PA,
inhabited. His challenger may “get more votes than anyone who ever ran
against Murtha” and there is “a negative undercurrent because of his
[Murtha’s] stance on the war.”