Everybody is too mature to care what anybody says about them, and yet polls and other scorings persist. Every city is on a ten best list for something, right? Well, now the ACLU of North Carolina has given Representative Tim Moffitt a badge of honor he may flaunt more victoriously than the Gordon Smith sticker he brandished walking among a crowd of people who wanted to fault him for not being there.

If, like so many words coopted by power-mongers, “liberty” were not doublespoken into contradicting definitions, I should be a friend of the ACLU. Any rock star can tell you all anybody wants is to be free. But then government will step in and say to be free we must kill people in foreign lands. To be free, we must be secure, so we must inspect your underwear stains before you board a plane.

In an old-fashioned sense, there would be no women’s rights or white man’s rights, because rights were what everybody had equally; one class could not claim rights another didn’t have. Rights required no action from anybody else except to let others be. Now, some officially-sanctioned rights, like reproductive rights, require taxpayer contributions and breaches of conscience from various fractions of society. Rather than leaving rights to the Creator, government and organized interests create “rights” out of special privileges because they know it creates votes and therefore slops more power in their troughs.

Furthermore, if the products of our public schools are the brilliant geniuses some claim, why do we as a people prefer to communicate in partial-truth sound bites rather than reading bills in their entirety and reasonably predicting third-order consequences with appropriate margins of error? That is, rather than saying, “The bills said ‘women,’ he voted no, therefore he is bad;” shouldn’t we be looking at whether or not it makes sense to have abortions, if we must, in sanitary conditions? One might say the answer is no if all one wants is to get a larger voting contingency for their agenda, but reality has a way of biting.