Inside Scoop reports:
The City Council approved a temporary financing method that will provide some of the funds for the $19 million construction project at the Greensboro Coliseum. And, like every other vote associated with the three-pool center, it was approved by the slimmest of margins.
It passed five to four. Mayor Bill Knight and council members Mary Rakestraw, Trudy Wade and Danny Thompson voted no.
It was a vote that might have ended in a tie, had Councilman Zack Matheny – who had been excused from the meeting because he was ill – not shown up right before the vote.
The N&R doesn’t go into detail about what type of “temporary financing method” the council approved, and this morning’s print account of last night’s meeting focuses on the debate surrounding porn filters at the Greensboro Public Library. Dr. Guarino weighs in there.