In a strange turn of events, a homeowner who found a man in his house and $4000 of his property in the back of the interloper’s pickup – and then had his cell phone wrested from him and a gun pulled – is being treated as if he was in the right to fire his concealed-carry at (not into) the lawbreaker. Said interloper was charged with a number of counts from the incident, having been arrested later for domestic violence.
I mention this because about twenty years ago, when I lived in Hendersonville, the women at church had a cop teach self-defense. The issue of what to do when somebody breaks and enters came up, and the instructor said he was not allowed to say what he would do. He said he knew personally homeowners who were then responsible for paying the hospital bills of persons who had B&E’d them. Of course, one little lady said if somebody was so much as in her yard she would shoot him and drag him inside . . .