Elizabeth Harrington of the Washington Free Beacon reports on a taxpayer-funded effort to steer college students toward the government’s alarmist views on climate change.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is spending more than $600,000 to teach college students how to be “internationally minded citizens” when learning about climate change, through a new curriculum called the “Global Thinking Academy.”
The University of Florida received funding to take 18 college professors on a trip to Belize and provide training to change how undergraduates think in an attempt to turn students into “global thinkers.”
“Thinking is a natural process and can often be biased, distorted, partial, uninformed and potentially prejudiced; excellence in thought must be cultivated,” according to the grant for the project.
The project, “Teaching Locally, Engaging Globally: Creating a Community of Global Thinking Fellows,” began last month, and is scheduled to continue through 2019. The university has received $642,776 in taxpayer funding so far.
The goals of the project include teaching college students how to think about global warming and food security in order to “solve tomorrow’s problems.”
“Future college graduates will need to be capable of solving problems related to these issues that span geopolitical borders,” the grant said. “In order to solve complex problems of a global nature, students must be able to think critically about them.”
The project presents theories on how professors should teach, aside from cultivating “excellence in thought” free from “uninformed” and “distorted” ideas. For instance, in order to effectively teach, professors “must give up the perception that students cannot learn unless a faculty member covers the material.”