In about ten years, many of the Duke women who bought into this gobbledegook will look back and cringe at how they so eagerly bought into the liberal feminist status quo — all in the name of rejecting the status quo, of course. This time, the subject of concern is the “social living dynamic” at Duke. From the Duke Chronicle:

“There is a monopoly of social power [on campus]—it may seem silly—but men, especially fraternities, have the power because they have the space to hold parties and do other things,” Sisler said.

The proposed living group hopes to cater to these concerns, and “provide a living space that will foster women’s agency on campus through mentoring relationships, dialogue and promoting egalitarian campus culture,” according to its mission statement.


In about ten years, these ladies will discover that when they reject liberal feminism, the very women they now see as their soulmate sisters will be the first to turn on them. You see, for liberal feminists, the issue isn’t about each woman choosing what is best for her. It is about liberalism.