To my good friend Paul Chesser, 90% of cars have that very sticker on their gas cap. If you don’t hear “three clicks” you might set the sensor off.
To Sanders, I’m not going to debate an analogy on safety. SUVs don’t stop as quick, they roll over easier and cannot avoid wrecks as easily. My stock broker was in a one car SUV rollover accident now trying to regain the use of his left arm after being crushed by his SUV two years ago. In a wreck, your surival is completely situationally dependent.
Dale Earnhardt survived flips, fires and accidents that bordered on the miraculous, ultimately he was killed in a simple accident involving a harness failure that he should have survived.
SUVs are legal, but not necessarily safer vehicles. Debating safety on this reminds me of the story about two guys seeing an approaching bear. His friend, the strong one, was concerned about the bear attacking them. The little fella had an interesting reply, he just smiled and said, “heck, all I have to be is faster than you!”