Ok, so we’re closing out one of the least active Hurricane seasons in memory and yet NOBODY is talking about the predictions made by the alarmists last year.  There were scant reports about the downturn in storms being caused by global warming of the Pacific, otherwise, NADA.

On the polar front, I just love this quote justifying why parts of the Arctic are actually normal. 
“This is a region that is fighting back,” said lead author Jacqueline Richter-Menge, a civil engineer at the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory in Hanover, N.H. “There are things that showed signs of going back to norms, trying to right themselves under very dire circumstances.

You can read the whole story here, but let’s be honest.  Regions don’t have personalities and they don’t “fight back”  nor do they try to “right themselves”.  Nature is remarkably resilient and adapts because the only constant in nature is change, that’s why the sum total of species on the planet are adapted to the regions and areas they live in.  Mankind is the ONLY species that has to change its environment in oder to exist.  Leave us out in the weather without a home or clothes and we don’t tend to last very long. 

Global alarmists actually feel that the only species on earth capable of discussing the issue (mankind) is the reason for the perceived problem.  As such, eradication of mankind is the only option that solves their dilemma.