John writes in his ?Daily Journal? column today that North Carolina politicians remind him of Ado Annie from Oklahoma: they?re just a group that cain?t so no to spending lobbies. John argues for something like Colorado?s Taxpayer Bill of Rights and other devices to give ?little extra protection of our politicians? virtue ? a curfew, a lock on the windows, and a curious hound dog under the porch who barks at strangers.?

I think John is saying that unprotected legislation is like unprotected sex ? both can prove harmful to the bodies involved.

We can?t have total legislative abstinence, so a ?Colorado Condom? is in order to help prevent legislatively transmitted fiscal diseases when the hound under the porch doesn?t wake up. Meanwhile, it?s worth observing that the state?s liberal news organizations typically toss the hound a fat steak to chew on while they creep up beside the porch and serenade things along by playing violins softly in the moonlight.