This time the “facts” are presented as “achingly true“:

“One of every three girls and one of every six to eight boys are sexually assaulted before they reach adulthood. Twenty percent of N.C. women have been sexually assaulted at some point in their lives. One out of every six U.S. women will be the victim of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. About three percent of men will experience an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.”

Again, it’s the Orange County Rape Crisis Center inflating the facts. Why? I don’t understand. Does anyone think rape isn’t a terrible crime? I can’t imagine anyone does. So why inflate the statistics to the point that they’re obviously wrong? Lying ? even for a good purpose ? is still lying. You’re doing a disservice to your issue by normalizing it, OCRCC; you’re vastly overstating the occurrence of something monstrous and thereby making it seem common, not unusual.