This is from N.C. State:
Larry Gourdine, violence prevention educator from Student Health Services, spent time in the Brickyard Tuesday, handing out information and talking to students about rape and violence awareness.
Gourdine just began working at NCSU in April and is excited to be involved with Take Back the Night this year.
“It is my job to get out there with the students and to help them learn about violence and ways to help protect themselves and others,” Gourdine said.
“Many students do not realize that statistics show 77 percent of men and 55 percent of women being involved in a rape case with an acquaintance, someone they know,” he said. “The influence of alcohol is what nearly always puts people in these dangerous situations.”
Rape statistics are available and easily accessed by the public. Although this information is easily obtained, both men and women do not take into account how close they may be to the subject.
According to Gourdine, one out of four women will be a victim of rape or an attempted rape in their lifetime. While this statistic only involves women, men are also getting involved in the fight to stop rape and educate others on the topic.
I’ve discussed the faulty “one in four” statistic before, but I’ll note that this time it’s “rape or attempted rape” ? usually it’s rape or sexual assault, with sexual assault defined so broadly as to inflate the statistic (which is why those studies show large numbers of “victims” not even aware they had been “assaulted”).