N&R follows up on UNCG’s time sheet scandal.
The story mentions that former University Relations employee Lyda Carpen —charged with five counts aiding and abetting obtaining property by false pretenses—-is a mother of two. And the sidebar includes this quote from a former colleague:
Ben Ramsey, the director of UNCG’s new University Teaching and Learning Commons, said he is profoundly saddened by the treatment of Carpen, a friend, former colleague and former student of his. Ramsey, also an associate professor of religion, told the Faculty Senate meeting that he was especially bothered by the thought of Carpen being handcuffed at the UNCG police station in front of her children.
“That may have been necessary. That might have been right,” Ramsey said. “But I hope that the leaders of this university can bend down on their knees and face those children and be able to say what we did was just.”
Evidently the N&R is concerned about the children’s welfare in the wake of their mother’s arrest, which in turn makes me wonder about the decision to publish her mug shot front on the front page— above the fold— in today’s print edition.
Still unclear is whether or not UNCG is following state law by pressing charges against Carpen and her former co-workers or if this is some type of vindictive retribution in defense of Associate Vice Chancellor Paul Mason, who has been accused of creating a hostile work environment in the university relations department?