N&R editorial writer Doug Clark –an outspoken critic of North Carolina’ expanded conceal carry law– — encounters a motorcyclist while jogging on the High Point greenway:
I could almost change my mind about guns on greenways.
The maniac riding a motorcycle on High Point’s greenway this afternoon would have made a deserving target.
….I called the police myself when I got home. They’d already gotten reports and had sent a park ranger to look for this outlaw, without success.
I hope someone recognized him and turns him in.Or shoots him.
OK, I’m mostly not serious about that. But, in the name of public safety, that almost might be justified.
Clark might say he’s kidding, but the anger–justified though it might be— is oozing through my computer screen, so I can’t help but think it’s a good thing for the maniac on the motorcycle that he wasn’t packing heat. And for the sake of argument, who would be more likely to shoot this nut “in the name of public safety” — a cop patrolling the greenway—haven’t seen one yet —- or a citizen with a concealed carry permit?
But let’s get to the bigger picture here — the rule, law, ordinance, not sure what it is —-prohibiting motorcycles stopped this nut from gunning it (pardon the pun) on the greenway exactly how much? Which should let you know exactly how much laws prohibiting guns in public places would stop a similarly deranged whack job.