Muslim scam artists have realized how gullible our PC-obsessed and white-guilt-ridden society can be. They’ve begun “complaining” about things that never bothered them before, in the sure knowledge that the left-wing press and liberal politicians will fall for their scams.

First it was cabbies who said their religion wouldn’t allow them to carry a fare that might have a bottle of liquor in his vacation baggage. Then it was the flying imams who ostentatiously prayed at an airport just to get the white Christians upset. Now they’re trying to find out who complained so they can ruin them with lawsuit costs.

Now it’s Muslim cashiers, who, after years of not having a problem ringing up bacon and sausage, suddenly are refusing to do it because it violates some precept of the Muslim religion.

Notice how the mainstream media actually buys into the notion that these people are sincerely acting on religious principles. But, as a reader emails Scott Johnson of Powerline, that’s just another kind of meat ? bull.