It’s not contestable that the mainstream media is doing its best to spin things in favor of the president. Gaffes that would have aired on a loop for George Bush don’t even make the news for Obama.

For a brown-nosing tour de force, though, read the tiresome Dana Milbank of The Washington Post today. Watch in wonder has he takes an Obama weakness and turns it into a brilliant asset. Watch as he takes ineptness and turns it into a Kissingeresque master stroke, while deftly getting another jab in at Sarah Palin. What a journalist!:

On the other hand, maybe the lack of a fixed doctrine isn’t such a bad thing. Being doctrinaire, after all, got the last guy into quite a bit of trouble. Everybody knew what the Bush doctrine was — at least, everybody but Sarah Palin (“in what respect, Charlie?”). Yet that crisp clarity led us into war in Iraq based on false presumptions, draining resources from the war in Afghanistan and antagonizing allies. …

As a doctrine, Obama’s is maddeningly subtle. Cost-weighting can’t compete with “smoke ‘em out” and “dead or alive.” But that doesn’t mean it’s wrong.