MSNBC has done a story on 3,000 pages of e-mails sent during the Sarah Palin administration in Alaska. Their takeaway is that Todd Palin was a “powerful” player who was called by “some” the “Shadow Governor.” Here’s an example of Todd’s powerful intrusion into public policy:
Often the governor wasn’t included on Todd Palin’s e-mails at all. The staff went straight to him, or he went straight to the staff.
On a Saturday afternoon, June 23, 2007, for example, Todd Palin wrote to Sarah Palin’s political aide, Ivy Frye, asking about a state judge to be appointed from the city of Soldotna. The name is omitted from the e-mail.
“I’m getting calls from Soldotna about the next judge appointment,” Todd Palin wrote. “Is (redacted) on the list, I’m getting calls from folks hoping he’s not selected. Let me know what’s happening so I can put to rest some of the rumors.”
Frye replies, “(Redacted) was nominated alond [sic] with 3 other guys-just received the names last wk. I’ve heard the same feedback as you. Gov has 45 days to make appt. Will interview in about 2-3 wks.”
Todd Palin replied, “Thanks, Ivy.”
See how terrible that was? A constituent asks the husband of the governor a questions, so the husband asks the appropriate governor’s office official and gets an answer so he can relay it to the constituent. Notice there is no advocacy involved, no attempt to pressure on behalf of a candidate. Just an inquiry.