One of the most intriguing outcomes of the 2008 election cycle is the rise in profile of Mike Munger, the libertarian who snagged 2.8 percent of the vote for North Carolina governor. We need his no-nonsense, humorous approach to explaining economic concepts. Today, it seems a lot of folks fail to understand even the basics – supply and demand, for example — as evidenced by support for the state’s misguided “price gouging” law.

Last night Munger, who holds a Ph.D. in economics and is chairman of Duke’s political science department, spoke to the Carolina Economics Club and once again hit his audience between the eyes with solid advice (emphasis is mine):

Above all, Munger was hoping students left the discussion in deep thought.

“I want them to be skeptical about what they hear from government officials. Part of an education is being able to evaluate,” Munger said. “An informed citizen is skeptical and able to evaluate claims.”

You’ll have a another chance to hear from Munger on Monday, when he speaks to the John Locke Foundation’s Shaftesbury Society at Noon. Lunch is $8.