Moogfest, which lost $1.5 million the last time around in spite of subsidy from the City of Asheville and Buncombe County, is threatening to relocate. I must admit I have enjoyed the festivals both years I attended, on press passes. What I didn’t like was that the festival had a government subsidy and that it didn’t follow advice I’d always heard: Start small and grow as you’re able. Moog followed the modern business model of starting out on a par with the big dogs, and expecting government to fund the difference. I’m thinking it may be because Buncombe County denied Moog’s second request for funding that Moog is talking about moving to Durham. I take this threat more seriously than those of established businesses because Moogfest is just a festival. It doesn’t have real estate, fixtures, contracts, and dedicated personnel sinking roots in the local economy and offsetting whatever government gives them.
by Leslee Kulba
Wild West blogger