North Carolina ranks near the top in access to public records, according to the Sunshine Week 2009 Survey of State Government Information:
The survey examined how all 50 states provide online access to 20 different kinds of records, ranging from consumer complaints to teacher certifications. The report ties North Carolina for third with Kentucky in its accessibility to public records. Only Texas and New Jersey ranked higher in the Sunshine Week 2009 Survey of State Government Information, which was compiled by newspaper and broadcast journalists over a two-month period.
The report found that North Carolina provides information on 17 out of 20 categories surveyed such as death certificates, bridge inspection reports and disciplinary actions against medical physicians and attorneys. A visitor to the state’s government Web site ( can easily find links to state agencies on health, public education and transportation, but other links listed under “Online Services” and “State Agencies” can be confusing for a first-time user, the survey found.