Without additional comment, the N.C. Supreme Court has sided with the dissenting opinion from the N.C. Court of Appeals in a case involving Charlotte garbage collection.

As noted last summer when the appellate court issued its ruling:

A 2-1 decision offers Charlotte a mixed verdict in its dispute with Cedar Greene Apartments over garbage collection. The apartment complex wanted to hire — at lower cost — a vendor other than the city-approved company that provides trash collection services for apartment complexes in the city. Charlotte’s refusal to reimburse the apartment complex for use of an outside vendor led to the lawsuit. A trial court favored the apartment complex and the outside vendor, but the Appeals Court reversed much of the trial court’s ruling. The court’s majority would allow the case to return to the trial court to resolve other issues, but a dissenting opinion at the appellate level could lead the case to the N.C. Supreme Court.

Now that the Supreme Court has sided with the dissenting appellate judge, Cedar Greene and the outside vendor win the case. Michael Lowrey chronicled this case last August.