And is only asking for $1m. in North Carolina taxpayer money to do it.

I tell you folks, here we have sure fire proof that one of the two following propositions is true:

  • Our state and local leadership, elected and self-appointed, is dumber than a bag of hammers.
  • Our state and local leadership, elected and self-appointed, thinks you are dumber than a bag of hammers.

Good God people, it was NACA, ACORN and similar groups “partnering” with banks like Hugh McColl’s Bank of America and Ed Crutchfield’s First Union that kicked off the stampede into high-risk, high-margin, sub-prime loans. This was the bottom-rung of the decade-long banking Ponzi scheme which collapsed last year, taking trillions of dollars with it. Now we are supposed to jump up and down because NACA will stick a phone bank sweat shop in East Charlotte to reach out across the nation and pitch more government subsidized loans to replace existing ones?

Oh happy day!

Bonus Observation: Gee, and this big manufactured story just happens to unfold at the same moment Ken Lewis is in DC degrading himself with the claim the Fed made him buy Merrill. Where’d I put my hammer?