Editors at National Review Online explain why they believe President Biden should step down.

Joe Biden did the right thing in ending the charade of asking the American public to believe that he was capable of serving another four years as president.

This was preposterous, and the public, as the polling has consistently shown for a long time, didn’t believe it.

Now, Biden has issued a statement dropping out of the race and has endorsed his vice president Kamala Harris.

Biden should take the next logical step and resign the presidency. It’s possible to imagine a president not being able to campaign but still being capable of carrying out his official duties — say, if he had a serious physical impairment. And it is even possible to imagine a president who could serve for another six months but not another four and a half years. But such scenarios do not apply to Biden.

Biden has obviously been confused in public, and we are getting disturbing reports of his not recognizing friends and Democratic lawmakers in private. He has not convened a full cabinet meeting since last October, and CNN reported that when he does, “it is customary for Cabinet officials to submit questions and key talking points that they plan to present in front of Biden ahead of time to White House aides.” Similarly, the White House has pre-screened questions before press interviews. Whatever the level of his decline at the moment, it is sure to get worse. The country deserves to have complete assurance that the president of the United States, whatever his party or ideology, is fully in possession of his faculties.

For the Democrats’ political purposes, a resignation would also likely create more of a honeymoon for Kamala Harris and perhaps make it easier for her to hit reset in the campaign.