A new Texas law signed by Gov. Rick Perry today means that if some scumbag threatens you in your workplace or your car you can shoot them dead without having to “retreat” to satisfy some politically correct standard. Prior to this law, you could only kill someone who unlawfully entered your home.
Such a law in North Carolina would do a lot to shift the balance back to law-abiding citizens and away from thugs. If a few carjackers and home invaders were to be dispatched by well-armed, non-retreating, law-abiding homeowners in Durham, the effect would be salutary. What North Carolina lawmaker can take time out from the general sleaziness that passes as our state legislature to contemplate sponsoring such a bill? Paul Luebke? Joe Hackney? Ellie Kinnaird?
The next step is to allow people to use deadly force to protect their property as well as their lives, because if property cannot be defended by deadly force, then property has no meaning.