Jim Nolan, high school history teacher at West Carteret High School, airs his views about the “population problem” as part of his faux write-in campaign for the U.S. Senate. According to the News & Observer, “he wanted to become a case study for his AP Government class so the lessons would stick.”

The N&O likes what it hears:

Humor is woven through the project, with videos that use pop songs and a clip from a Swedish commercial that uses a shrieking child in a supermarket to advocate population control. But Nolan, who has been teaching at the school for nearly a quarter century, is serious about the issues his campaign targets, and the failings of Washington.

“In these kids’ lifetimes, they’ll be facing a planet that’s decimated if we don’t start to fix it,” he said, “and meanwhile you’ve got politicians running around talking about wedge issues.”

I wonder if Mr. Nolan thinks eugenics is a viable way to “fix” it. Perhaps we just need to ask the children he indoctrinates every day.