Why make something illegal? Because it’s for your own good! You will make the wrong decision! I know better!
All things we remember our parents saying when we wanted to do something they didn’t think was appropriate. Ok, they are our parent’s and care about us….but the government?!
Earlier this year, palcohol, a new powdered alcohol product that allows consumers to mix alcohol powder with liquid to create a cocktail, was approved by the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. This week, the North Carolina’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission asked lawmakers to ban the product,”We just don’t think we need it in the state of North Carolina,” Chairman James Gardner said. He has even gone so far as to write a letter to the Speaker of the House encouraging the ban, see the letter here.
According to news reports,
The commission has broad authority to regulate what alcoholic beverages are sold in the state. However, powdered alcohol is not a “beverage” and therefore falls into a loophole under North Carolina law. Gardner said the commission currently doesn’t have the authority to regulate powdered alcohol sales.