Per the Smithfield Herald today:

A District Court judge on Thursday convicted 14 protestors for trespassing at the Johnston County airport.

In November, the group staged a demonstration outside the airport to protest the federal government’s alleged involvement in flying terror suspects overseas to countries that support torture as a form of interrogation. Local company Aero Contractors has a hangar at the airport and is accused of participating in such flights….

During the trial, defendant Josh McIntyre, a 38-year-old N.C. State professor, told Judge James B. Ethridge that the purpose of the protest was to “notify Aero that we were launching an investigation into activities by their company believed to have been in violation of national and international law.”

Well, that sparked my curiosity to see what courses this professor teaches. I couldn’t find him listed as a professor or even adjunct, but I did find him affiliated with the campus environmental group. So I searched for his e-mail address and found him listed as an Office Assistant in the Dept. of Plant Pathology.

Assuming I didn’t make a mistake in my search, my question is, how did he get listed as an “N.C. State professor” instead of Plant Pathology office assistant? I suppose the reporter mistakenly assumed he was a professor, based on his age. I mean, I don’t want to think the guy is a “pathological” liar.