From an op-ed published in the Charlotte Observer, praising the N.C. New Teacher Support Program:
It should be noted the N.C. New Teacher Support Program recently posted a 95 percent retention rate, which is significantly higher than average retention rates in districts across the state. Based on these retention data the New Teacher Support Program seems to be a very wise return on investment.
The program is funded by the North Carolina General Assembly, UNC General Administration, and the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation. It costs approximately $1,900 per teacher annually, a very modest amount when you consider the time and money spent on retraining and rehiring a new crop of educators year after year.
The General Assembly should be applauded for its vision and support of this affordable and effective program which has shown considerable promise. The N.C. New Teachers Support Program significantly improves teacher retention in some of CMS’s most high needs schools, including those that have struggled with high turnover rates in previous years.