The debate over whether or not enough money is being spent for mental health care in North Carolina continues. It seems as though the legislative oversight committee and Gov. Mike Easley don’t see eye-to-eye on how much cash is needed. But check out how much is already being spent on mental health care in this state:

Easley’s budget, released two weeks ago, proposed $4.7 million in new spending, although spokesman Seth Effron said that’s in addition to $23.6 million in increased spending on existing programs that are growing. Annual funding for the state’s mental health care system is nearly $3 billion from federal, state and local sources.

That’s billion, with a ‘b.’ That’s quite a bit of money, to say the least, and certainly enough, in my mind, to end the debate over whether enough is being spent. But the debate will never end, either because the money is not being managed well or North Carolinians have some very serious mental health issues.