UNC-CH Students will be revamping the US Constitution to include ?positive rights? on Saturday. Students from two UNC-CH classes – Sociology 131 and Sociology 273 – coordinated their work this semester and will be holding a mock Constitutional Convention on December 1.

On the agenda? A proposal to make Chapel Hill and Carrboro “Human Rights Cities.” Part of the project?s goal was to discuss socioeconomic and cultural rights already embraced in other countries? constitutions. New ?rights? the students will address include the rights to peace, diversity, democracy, pluralism, education, sports, the arts and the benefits of discoveries from modern science. Students also discussed rights for special groups such as women, migrants, refugees and the elderly.

The whole thing is a project of the Social and Economic Justice minor, which probably tells you all you need to know about the endeavor.

The event will be held in Manning 209, on the UNC Campus, beginning at 9am. No word on whether the public is welcome to this event, but invitees include staff from Service-Learning Agencies, Local Labor Unions, Campus Workers, and Local Government Agencies.