This is exciting! It’s the same old song and dance, with details. Community High, the alternative school of Buncombe County, scored in the bottom 5% of a formula. For its reward, the federal government, through the state, will give it $2.3 million of the $3.75 million it claims it needs. The grant is but a fraction of the $65 million the federal government awarded to schools across the state.

The grant is not necessarily designed to achieve its stated purpose, which is to improve student performance. For one thing, it will require the school to hire a new slate of teachers. It will not be allowed to rehire more than 50% of them, but those dumped will be given “other positions” by the school system. The principal will get to keep her job. New positions, including “a social worker, a career development counselor, and an instructional coach to work with teachers” will also be filled as a grant requirement.