The Winston-Salem City Council delayed its vote on incentives for the downtwon baseball stadium when council member Vivian Burke made a “no consideration” motion, which essentially places the item on the agenda for the council’s next meeting. The issue will be brought up again during the finance committee meeting next week.

The delay supposedly will help council members and citizens get more information on the project, especially whether or not the baseball stadium will truly have paid for itself when the city takes over in 25 years. Oh yeah, something else came up: Forsyth County may be willing to put up incentives, but it wants no part of ownership.

A couple of notable quotes, one from council member Evelyn Terry:

“I saw a rendering (of the project) that didn’t have anybody that looked like me. I want to make sure we’re multicultural and diverse.”

The other is from a citizen addressing the council in oppostion to the project, who made an observation Greensboro residents should take to heart when looking at their city government:

“You feel safe, I’m sure, since only 6 percent of the citizens voted last time. It sends a message that you can do anything you want.”

Very true.