The Charlotte Observer tried desperately to catch-up to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools meltdown story with this big story outlining all the groups with concerns about CMS’ direction and leadership. Most importantly, the paper pulls a quote from school board chairman Joe White that makes clear that parents really do not figure into the CMS educational paradigm. I thought I was reading too much into White’s bizarre comments, but Andy Clarkson of the Charlotte Capitalist likewise found them very significant, so there are at least two of us nuts here in Char-Meck. I like them odds.
Here is what White said in response to ample evidence that CMS needs ideas and input from parents to right itself:
“I would tend to think those ideas might come from the superintendent and top administrators who are trained educators, rather than having a carpenter find a cure for cancer,” White said. “But if a carpenter can find a cure for cancer, I certainly hope the medical profession would accept it.”
A more arrogant strain of educratese is hard to imagine. Then there is the blunt diagnosis from one of my teacher friends: “He sounds totally retarded.”
The truth hurts.
And can you think of a worse analogy, or is White completely unaware that many of his neighbors are quite sure that a certain carpenter can cure cancer? What a buffoon. But, hey, Charlotte parents, he is an expert one.