“Apparently in the Monopoly game of liberal argumentation, invoking the name of Koch (or, for that matter, Pope) is treated like drawing a Get Out of Fail Free card.” — written here 11/20/13 and quoted here 11/26/13
My colleagues Terry Stoops and Rick Henderson have already pretty well dispatched the exceptional silliness in the article today titled “NC education department used Koch-funded group for proposed history lessons.”
Still, it would be remiss for me not to take note of it, even as I’m indifferent as to which is sillier:
- the pretense that the collaborative effort involving teachers, education officials, and the Democratic state school superintendent was somehow dictated by the Left’s Emmanuel Goldstein du jour,
- the implication — by omission of the rather important detail that the speaker is the chairman of the NC Association of Educators’ Organize 2020 “social justice” caucus who has even called for shutting down schools in order to force political change — that their interviewee was just an “educator on the street” (who also just happened to be the Hitler vaginas guy).